Buying your first home is the most exciting thing in the world, and this year we were lucky enough to do just that. In December 2021 we made the first steps to finding our dream first home. It all still feels like a dream!

Like so many lucky people, throughout the main bulk of the pandemic I managed to avoid catching the dreaded Covid. That was until December 2021. Just thirteen days before Christmas day itself I tested positive for Covid19. So, here's what it was like for me...

Everyone's favourite thing to do in lockdown has been to take a nice relaxing stroll. When the sun is out and the birds are singing, it can't get better. Unless of course you're walking with a herd of alpacas.

In an age where anyone is an influencer it's becoming more and more common to see people posing it up to get the perfect pic for The Gram. I can spend hours scrolling through the endless streams of gorgeous girls showing off their outfits or amazing brunch locations as they ooze with confidence in front of the camera. Like...

When I was young I had no idea what I wanted to be, but what I did know was I was going to find it and thrive in it. This was my mindset at 18 years-old. At (almost) 24 years-old I've finally realised that isn't how it's going to work for me.

Lockdown is sooooo not the time to be trying to find a significant other. You can't see anyone, you can't kiss anyone and you definitely can't shag anyone! But if you thought that meant dating is off the cards, you're mistaken.

If you'd have told me when I was a teenager that by 22 years-old I'd be working in the coolest job in the heart of London earning more money than my parents there's no way I would have believed you. But this is exactly where I found myself, and I gave it all up.

I don't know about you but Netflix is literally my bff right now. I love nothing more than getting cosy on the sofa with a cuppa (or even sometimes a cheeky glass of wine) and putting on my latest binge-worthy show.

C h a r l o t t e . G o f f
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