Cloud coffee, the latest delicious trend brought to you by the internet. But have you ever wondered how many calories are actually in your frothy coffee dreams? Well if you're anything like me, a huge yo-yo dieter, then the answer is yes. You are fully aware of the amount of calories in that full fat milk, those sweet syrups...

If you're an animal lover, you need to hear this. (And even if you're not there's some cute pictures of puppies in it for you, so keep scrolling) Adopting dogs and puppies has become much more common in the UK in recent times, with breeds that people used to turn their noses up at becoming increasingly popular. Fortunately in the...

Being the first-born child, I was lucky enough to have the bigger bedroom growing up. But, when I moved out the first thing my younger brother did was move himself into my bedroom.

C h a r l o t t e . G o f f
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