UGG Scuffette II Slippers - Are They Worth It And How To Get A Deal 


There are certain things in a person's life that they deem essential, even though they really aren't. Be honest, we're all guilty of it. Slippers, for me, are one of those things. I mean to be fair, all things comfy fit into that catergory too. I've always been a dressing gown and slippers girl, and the first time I purchased a pair of UGG Scuffette II slippers *SPOILER ALERT* I knew it was love at first sight. 

Now onto my second pair of Scuffette II's I can confirm, these are the elite slipper. I know a lot of people are somewhat repelled by UGG deeming the Aussie brand's products 'UGG-LY' and lacking style, but let me tell you these slippers will change your view of the brand forever. (Even my brother has a pair!)

If you're someone, like me, who loves nothing more than cuddling up on the sofa with your favourite film, a cuppa and a blanket then the Scuffette II's are what you have been waiting for. 

So, we've established that I'm a HUGE fan of these slippers - but why? The Scuffette II has a thick and solid sole which is not only durable, but handy too. How often have you need to pop to take the bins out but can't be bothered to change into your trainers? Not to worry, these babies can totally handle being outside for a little while. And luckily enough the sole is thick enough that the dirt won't get on the suede of your slippers either. 

The inside of the slipper is where the magic really happens though. They are lined with UGG's signature sheepskin, which is unarguably the warmest and most cosiest thing to wrap your foot in ever. (To be honest, there isn't really an argument though.)

For the Vegans and animal lovers among us, don't panic. UGG requires suppliers to certify the skin hasn't been sources in an unethical or inhumaine way. 

So, they've passed the practicality test. They've passed the comfortability test. But the question that we all really want to know is are they worth the coin. So UGG isn't the cheapest brand, and forking out £80 for a pair of slippers is certainly something most of us can't do on a whim. 

Let me tell you, these slippers will last you. Sure you can buy a £2 pair from Primark, but will they last you three years? Probably not. So in terms of value and wear for money - hell yeah they're worth every penny. And you know what, you can always get a bargain if you aren't too picky. 

The classic UGG Scuffette II in Chestnut are a staple for a lot of people, but if you're willing to go for something a little less basic (sorry Chestnut stans) then you are going to save some serious coin. Outlet centres like Biscester Village in Oxford always have Scuffette II slippers, and sometimes you can bag a pair for HALF THE PRICE. If you don't fancy the journey then there's always the trusty internet. I actually got my latest pair (pictured) from Brand Alley  for £56, and places like House Of Fraser often have a great deal - so shop around! 

C h a r l o t t e . G o f f
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