How To Stay Motivated Working From Home


Rewind six months ago and hands up if working from home sounded like a dream come true.

Okay, so I know my hand is up. 

It's surprising how difficult it actually is to keep motivated when you're working from home, and now so many of us have now been thrown into this new way of working. 

Here are my top tips on how I stay motivated when working from home: 


Setting up a work space that is going to be comfortable is super important. My top tip is to make sure this space is fully designated for working in, and don't use this space any other time. Personally I've set up a desk by the patio window that looks out to my garden and it's perfect for me. I'm close enough to the kitchen to get coffee and I can see my dog playing in the garden. 


Set your alarm with enough time before you start work to get yourself ready at a steady pace and organised before you start your shift. I often start work at 7am, so sometimes this can be really challenging but on the days I don't do it ooooohhh myyyy gooooddnneeesss I feel bad for the whole shift. Just get up, have a shower, make your coffee. 


Your work wardrobe is on point, but what about when you're at home? Sure you don't need to put on your best blazer and shoes, but getting dressed in something that you're happy in is super important. I'm a big lounge wear gal, so I almost always opt for leggings and a jumper. The key here is to make sure you feel productive in what you're wearing. Basically just don't crawl out of bed, throw your dressing gown on and start work. 


Keeping in touch with your colleagues is super important, both professionally and socially. My colleagues and I always have a group chat going where we are able to let each other know what we're doing as well as just having a cheeky gossip like we would in the office as well as a video call during the handover of each shift. These are a great way to keep in touch and feel like you're still part of a team even though you're miles apart. We even have Friday night virtual drinks and pub quizzes which are a great way to spend an evening in lockdown. 


Not only is this how to stay motivated working from home, this is how to stay motivated in life. When you get up in the morning grab yourself a pint of water with your coffee or tea and make sure you fill it up regularly. Water helps you concentrate and can even  boost your mood - which lets face it we all need on a Monday morning. 


If you were at work you would sure as hell make sure you had a break, so make sure you keep this up at home. If you sit at your desk for a solid eight hours you're going to become tired, moody and resent your job. Take five to sit outside and enjoy the sun, or eat your lunch away from your desk. Fresh eyes are like new eyes, so give yourself that time. 


Having something to do after work really helps me during the working day. If I know I have a dog walk, film or project ready for me to start on when I finish it helps speed through the day. This is 10000% something I would recommend, especially during lockdown. It's easy to find yourself stuck in a rut when you're home all day and the only escape from reality is work (especially if you work in the news industry like I do) so having things you find fun to look forward to is essential.  

C h a r l o t t e . G o f f
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