My Covid Diaries: Day 1 - 2


Like so many lucky people, throughout the main bulk of the pandemic I managed to avoid catching the dreaded Covid. That was until December 2021. Just thirteen days before Christmas day itself I tested positive for Covid19. So, here's what it was like for me...

It all started out with a wave of the virus going around my workplace. I was advised to get a PCR as I had been in close contact with more than one person who had tested postive, despite the fact I didn't have symptoms and had negative lateral flows tests. So off I went to the drive through testing centre, just to be safe. I remember even saying to my boyfriend "I feel totally fine, if anything I feel great. If I have covid I'll give you £100, that's how sure I am that I don't have it." Thankfully he's either forgotten or overlooked that comment! 

I woke up the next morning for work and less than 24 hours later I had a positive result back. It was so shocking I literally thought it was a scam text at first. I felt FINE! And, the lateral flow I took that night was still negative! 

I text my family, who I live with, my boyfriend, my friends I had seen and filled out all of the relevent paperwork online and then just sat there. I was going to have to spend ten days on my own in a box room. 

As the day went on I suddenly started to believe I had the virus. I wasn't suffering much at all but I had a really runny nose, a slight cough and realised I couldn't smell my M&S Eaton Mess candle anymore. I'm lucky enough to say, at this point, the illness was more of an inconvenience to me than anything else. After watching so much Married at First Sight Australia that my TV told me to stop, I just knew I was going to be HELLA bored. I needed a plan. 

So, day two of isolation I really thought about how my day was going to look. I started off with a lay in because that killed the first few hours of the day. I then did some work from home, had a looooooonnnnng as hell shower and hairwash and my morning skincare routine. 

One of the biggest things for me the day before was being stuck in my bedroom. I'm lucky enough to have a pretty big garden so I decided to spend some time out there, and thankfully it was a relativley warm and sunny day for England in December. If you're isolating like me then if you can go and do it too! I felt so much more free in my garden, and even put up some Christmas lights. 

After my time outside I was in a creative and Christmas mood, so I wrapped some presents and created some handmade labels for them. They look so cute, if I do say so myself. Next step is adding dried orange slices and cinnamon sticks to the parcels. Super festive!

C h a r l o t t e . G o f f
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