Why Hating Having My Picture Taken Is Ruining My Memories


In an age where anyone is an influencer it's becoming more and more common to see people posing it up to get the perfect pic for The Gram. I can spend hours scrolling through the endless streams of gorgeous girls showing off their outfits or amazing brunch locations as they ooze with confidence in front of the camera. Like after like, comment after comment, I always think how much I would love to fill my camera roll with pictures like this in my favourite outfits, with my friends and boyfriend. 

I won't though...

... As I've gotten older I've become more and more camera shy, to the point now where my boyfriend and I have NEVER taken a photo together. 

Recently, I lost my grandma and my family and I have been sorting photographs for her funeral and wake. After going through them I found I had a grand total of three pictures with her from my entire life. Three. Considering she only lived ten minutes away and we spent time together very regularly it's hard to believe. 

Of course, I have so many amazing memories with both my grandma and everyone else in my life, but the reality is they'll fade without photos and videos. It's not that I don't want these photos, it's just my intense fear of the camera that stops me. 

Now I know I need to kick that fear and just do it. (And with a photographer as a boyfriend I really do have no excuse) 

C h a r l o t t e . G o f f
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