My Experience With Easilocks Hair Extensions


For as long as I can remember I've always hated my hair. It's length, thickness, colour, literally everything about it. I first started dying my hair when I was about 16 years old, with the first boxdye being ginger. Let me tell you ginger hair is amazing - but not on me. Although, not half as bad as the time my friend dyed it black for me. I mean kudos to Ruby, she did a great job but it was an imence error in judgement to put jet black hair onto my pale head. 

After years of searching I finally found myself a hairdresser who actually could do my hair, and we all know the relief that is! But even with the colour glossy and the trim even, I still was never completley happy. 

I decided to give extensions a go. I had previously been put off after hearing stories of how high maintenance they are, but I figured it was time to give it a try. 

After doing my research I went for Easilocks, so after booking a consultation at a neearby salon I had 100 strands of 18 inch iTips put into my hair. I always have a balayage, so I had a combination of Pearl and Oak across my hair to give it that two-tone look and brighten my balayage at the bottom. 

Now I have to admit - I was obsessed.

I'd always wanted long, thick princess hair and I finally had it! I couldn't stop looking at my self in the mirror and fiddling with the ends - it was amazing! 

I had brought the Easilocks shampoo and conditioner to make sure I kept the hair in the best condition possible, but I found it didn't lather up too well and my hair was getting greasy much faster. 

The hair I had in lasts three months before you have to go back to the hairdressers and get it refitted, but personally I think I should have gone back sooner. I'd actually suggest going back and getting it refitted before it gets too long, and when you can feel the bonds are a good distance from your head that's the key sign. (Mine ended up feeling like mini dreadlocks - not ideal)

When I got mine refitted taking them out took an age and the knots were horrenous. Looking back I think if I'd have gone back to salon sooner this might not have been the case. 

During the three months I had my extensions in I had moved away, and had to go to a different salon for my refit. Let me tell you - big mistake! 

The salon I went to used Beauty Works tips on my Easilocks hair, assuring me it would be fine. Needless to say I had at least 12 strands fall out while I was in Mexico and unable to get it sorted. 

I had the hair taken out again after my holiday because so many strands had fallen out, and with the wrong bonds I just thought the rest would probably do the same. By this point, if I'm honest, the hair was looking a bit frazzled. Now this could have been because I had used heat on it semi-regularly, or for any number or reasons, but after just over three months I'd have hoped for it to stay a little fresher even if I did curl it every once in a while. 

Overall, would I get extensions again? Hell 'effin yes! I was a princess! 

Would I get Easilocks? I wouldn't be opposed to them, I think under different circumstances they would be great, but I'd be keen to try another brand next time. 

C h a r l o t t e . G o f f
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