Reasons To Be Positive During Lockdown
Just three months ago, a vast majority of us were vowing 2020 would be 'our year', certain of the many positives the new year would bring.
Fast forward to mid-March, and it's easy to admit that perhaps there are very, very few people who can truly say 2020 has been a brilliant year so far. We must not let the glow and sparkle of New Year optimism dwindle, especially at a time like this.
In the UK right now, many of us are self isolating and social distancing to protect both our loved ones and strangers from the deadly coronavirus. Those of us who are not self isolating are the wonderful key workers, of whom we as a country have a lot to admire about. NHS staff, education staff and supermarket staff - I'm talking about you guys!
It sure is easy to get wrapped up in your own mind when we are all confined to our own four walls, and suddenly we've all taken up walking as a pass time - where before we may not have appreciated what's around us. Yet, this is just one of the positives we can take from the lives we are currently living. And surprisingly enough, there are many more:
1: Family. Most of us are fortunate enough to be isolating in our homes with at least one other loved one (who right now is probably driving you round the bend) right?! But when was the last time you got to spend this much time with them. Enjoy the little things, like having breakfast together or an afternoon cuppa with your fingers in the biscuit tin. Before you know it you will be back to the mayhem of life saying: "wow, it feels like forever since we've actually sat down together."
2: TREAT YO' SELF. Ladies and gents, we have a lot of time to be kicking around at home and even if you're working from home you're still going to really notice that free time. Adios smelly packed commuter train! Take advantage of that. That extra hour before work can be spent doing so many things. You want more time in bed? Have more! You always wanted to do your work outs in the morning? Do them! Start your day, your way. Not with that horrific iPhone alarm sound and a traffic jam. Ew.
3: Self care. For a lot of us going out of the house normally means coating your face in foundation, curling or straightening your hair and picking out an outfit. NO MORE! It's casual Friday everyday now, and your body is going to love you for it. Ditching the make up and heat on your hair will give your body a chance to reset it's self. I don't know about you, but I'm waving goodbye to (at least three) big spots since I've been in isolation. And if your hair's a bit greasy, just leave it one more day. The natural oils are good for it - and no one can see!
4. It's detox time. Social media is literally everywhere, and this year we have really seen some incredibly wonderful and incredibly sad moments that have been shared through social media. This doesn't mean you have to bury your heads into it all day everyday. You're not going out, so just leave your phone upstairs and go down to do something else. Even if it's just an hour it will feel so nice to just unplug, just because you can.
5: Community. It's safe to say people show their true colours during a crisis like this, and so many communities are doing amazing things to help those around them. Get involved and if you are able do your bit. Not only will it make a huge difference but it will make you feel good too. The NHS are currently calling out to volunteers as well as some local councils, but if you can't do that there is always something you can do. Simply be there for people. Facetime friends and family, wave to your neighbours, be a kind face.
"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times,if one only remembers to turn on the light." - Albus Dumbedore