Why I Quit My High-Flying Job To Become A Teacher


If you'd have told me when I was a teenager that by 22 years-old I'd be working in the coolest job in the heart of London earning more money than my parents there's no way I would have believed you. But this is exactly where I found myself, and I gave it all up. 

It had always been my dream to have a big amazing media job in the city, but it wasn't until I was actually living that dream that I realised a lot of what made me excited about it was in my head. It turns out London is super dirty and super busy - and one time a man blew some sort of gross drug into my face on the tube. All in all, it's not a bit of me. 

The day of my graduation - 2018
The day of my graduation - 2018

I started working in London in July 2019 and moved to the city in October after three months of a four hour round trip commute became too much. I loved my job and the people I worked with and I was so proud of how much I had achieved just a year after graduating. 

I came home to Essex a lot and found myself missing home whenever I couldn't come back. While I was here I would volunteer at the Primary School my mum worked in - and I loved it. So most weeks I was working five days in London and the other two (providing they weren't weekends) were spent in school. Those were some of my favourite days of the week. 

After a few months of doing this I realised that being in school was something I didn't want to give up, and living in London away from my family definitely was. So I applied for a teacher training programme in my hometown - and was accepted. 

I then had a decision to make. On one hand I could keep working in my very cool and very well paid job doing something I enjoy and working with some really amazing people BUT live somewhere I can't stand or spend four hours a day on a train. On the other hand I could become a student again, and have no money or social life BUT start my career again in an inspiring and rewarding industry near to my loved ones doing something that I know I enjoy just as much if not more. 

The stunning view I gave up - alongside my job and life in London
The stunning view I gave up - alongside my job and life in London

I'm not going to pretend making this decision was easy, it really wasn't, and it took literally months.  Even the day I handed my notice in I still wasn't 100%, but I took the plunge and pressed the big red reset button on my career. 

At 23, I'm now back home living with my parents in the box room. I'm a student, with no money and an even bigger student debt. 

Do I regret it?! Not one bit. 

I'm now due to start my PGCE in September and I'm hanging up my media career. I'm excited and nervous and I can't wait to begin my new career. 

Goodbye London! 

C h a r l o t t e . G o f f
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