The idea of sitting in the pub gardens with our five best friends, sipping on our favourite beverage, in a floaty spring dress is literally everything right now. We've all been planning outfits for April trips out for MONTHS, especially remembering our 2020 spring heatwave last year. But this year it's not really the case.

High Street Fashion lovers have been in mourning since December as so many retailers closed their doors - and some for good. (RIP Topshop) But it seems there's a new hero in town.

If you weren't loungewear obsessed before, then after all these weeks in lockdown you probably are now. If we're going to be stuck inside, we may as well make it cute, right?! One brand who definitely believes this is Femme Luxe, and when they got in touch asking if I would like to team up with them on this post there was no way I could resist! ...

If we're staying home all day every day for another three weeks, comfort is key. Now I'm a girl who is 100% about comfort, 100% of the time, so you best believe I already have my lockdown wardrobe down. If you don't then literally what have you been wearing for the past three weeks?!

There are certain things in a person's life that they deem essential, even though they really aren't. Be honest, we're all guilty of it. Slippers, for me, are one of those things. I mean to be fair, all things comfy fit into that catergory too. I've always been a dressing gown and slippers girl, and the first time I...

C h a r l o t t e . G o f f
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